PTSD Counselor Near me - Three Ways Counseling Can Help
Like most mental health conditions, PTSD is complex in nature and has no specific treatment. Despite the many events, triggers, and symptoms associated with PTSD, there are many ways in which counseling can be an effective treatment. Trauma treatment varies from person to person, but there are many common ways a PTSD counselor near me can help someone with PTSD cope with trauma and live a healthy and fulfilling life. are you there are three widely used methods: Cognitive Reconstruction After a traumatic experience, the brain can affect the way a person views a situation and create negative associations with that thought that exacerbate PTSD symptoms . These associations are often inaccurate and disjointed, resulting in distorted memories of traumatic events. Identifying and clarifying negative thought patterns with a counselor is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that helps individuals see their situation more clearly, that is, reconstruct cognition. This will help you answer it ...